
One-on-One Coaching

Professional coaching is often misunderstood. Professional coaching is not a coach telling the participant what to do. Rather, the participant often already has the answers they need buried deep in their mind. The coach’s role is to partner with them to draw out the answers and solutions they are searching for through asking thought-provoking questions. The typical coaching session will be a 30-60 minute weekly phone call that will conclude with the participant setting specific action steps to work on over the next week. On some occasions, depending on the participant’s needs and schedule, coaching sessions may last for longer periods of time while occurring less frequently. Coaching has been proven to be much more effective than typical learning environments because the experience takes the participants below the surface of their conscious minds into their subconscious minds where real, lasting change takes place. New behaviors follow new thinking.

Group Coaching

Group coaching is a great way to bring some or all of your team members together to process current projects and challenges as the coach will ask thought-provoking questions to help you dig past the surface of the visible issues at hand. If you would like your team to work better together to find solutions and advance your organization, this service could be transformational for them. A typical session will last 60-90 minutes once or twice a month and is best done live in-person with the coach. However, depending on the availability of the team members and coach, teleconferencing and webinar formats are also possible options.

To learn more about beginning a coaching relationship, please contact me at or by phone at 770.715.8280.

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